Soil, Air, Water, Food, Medicines, even Stress are all toxic in some way or another and poisonous to us on a cellular level.
Our cells have a defense and response to this situation
poisoned genetic material, (RNA or DNA) is packaged up into tiny balls of proteins (exosome) and expelled from the cell.
these exosomes have antenna or receptors on the outside of them that identify what is inside and can communicate this to other cells and tell them to also expel this material.
at certain times of the year, due to natural temperature cycles and other cycles, we purge and expel high numbers of these toxins out of the cells and thus, the body
these exosomes neither cause illness, nor are they infectious. Though they do appear to spread throughout the body as mentioned.
Viruses are regarded as not alive, have no cellular structure and cannot reproduce on their own.
we have trillions of viruses inside our bodies at all times.
they are tiny bits of genetic material (either RNA or DNA), packaged in tiny protein balls that appear to exit and enter cells.
PCR test, amplifying genetic material in dozens of cycles, exponentially inflating it beyond the actual sample. Until you have billions or trillions of the original molecule and using those results to determine if you’re “positive” for the target genetic fragments. The cutoff point of the cyclical amplification for any given test is completely arbitrary and random.
At a certain point of amplification, every single person will test positive.